CEO Profile
Chief Executive Officer
Jaehyun, Choi
- Master of Ergonomics, POSTECH, Korea
- San Jose State Univ., Human Factors Engineering
- Bachelor of Industrial Engineering, Hanyang Univ., Korea
- Doctor completion of Ergonomics, Hanyang Univ., Korea
- UI team manager of Design Management Center of Samsung Electronics
- A steering committee member of KCPEA SIGUI (Korea Certificated Professional Ergonomics Association)
- Board Director of KCPEA
- 9th Presidenet of KCPEA (2022~)
- 1st Korea Certificated Professional Ergonomist / APEC Engineer
- 1st President of UXPA (User Experience Professionals Association) Korea
- SW+ Humanity Forum member of NIPA (National IT Industry Promotion Agency KR)
- Grand Prize, ‘Korea ICT Innovation Awards’, Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning
- Promotion Advisor of Integrated administrative service of Ministry of the Interior and Safety KR